Invite people to a Workspace

The best place to add people to your Workspace is from the the sidebar. You must be a Workspace admin to add new members to a Workspace. Adding a user to a Standard or Premium Workspace will automatically result in a prorated charge for that user. Read more about billing with Standard/Premium here.

Invite by email address or Trello username

Expand the sidebar and select the Members section, then click the Invite Workspace members button and enter the email address or Trello username of the individual you would like to invite to your Workspace.

If the person you are inviting to your Workspace is not signed up for Trello they will receive an email inviting them to sign up for Trello and to join your Workspace.

If you want to invite people to a workspace in bulk, click the Add many people at once link, then paste email addresses or Trello usernames into the field separated by semicolons.


You can invite members to a Workspace by sharing a special link with them. Read more about that here.

Converting a board Guest to a Workspace member

Quickly convert a single-board guest or multi-board guest into a full Workspace member by clicking on Guests inside of your Workspace's Members section: 


Accepting Workspace membership requests

You can also accept pending Workspace membership requests in the Pending list from the Workspace Members tab in order to convert them from guest to member. More about Workspace membership requests can be found here.

Searching for Workspace members or guests

In the "Filter by name" field you can easily search for Workspace members that have already been added to your Workspace. They can be searched by first name, last name, or Trello username. You can also find the filter field in the Guests section.


Linking your Google Apps account to your Workspace

If you are a Premium subscriber you can link your Google Apps account to Trello by going to your Members page and selecting Link to Google Apps domain. With just a few clicks you can add your entire company to your Trello Workspace. Members of your domain will have an Add Member option.


NOTE: Adding members to a Workspace does not automatically add Workspace members to your boards. Workspace members must still be added to the boards you would like them to collaborate on. See: Adding people to a board

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