Making sense of Trello's JSON export

Trello's  export tools offer the option to export your data as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). JSON is primarily intended as a data format that machines can interpret and use. As a result although a JSON file is somewhat human readable, it's not as easy to parse as what you might expect from an Excel or CSV file.

For example, information about a card might be stored in JSON as:

"card": { "_id": "5446843ef9fea260ab93b704", "shortLink": "LrrmgFyd", "idShort": 19, "name": "Get milk from the.", "id": "5446843ef9fea260ab93b704" },

In this example, the card ID, shortlink, and card name are stored as sets of names and values within the card key. For example, "id" is a name, and "5446843ef9fea260ab93b704" is its value.

Viewing JSON in the browser

While JSON isn't the easiest thing to parse, it's much easier to parse if you have the right formatting. If you're looking to simply browse the data on a board, this may be the way to go. 

Several browsers offer ways to make the JSON export that Trello offers more human-readable, by automatically indenting text and including line breaks.

For Chrome, we recommend the  JSONView extension. There's also a JSONView add-on for Firefox.

One-to-many data structures

One of the difficulties with making Trello's JSON human-readable is that in many cases, there are multiple pieces of information nested within a single structure. For example, for a single card, you can have information about what's currently on the card, a history of what was previously on the card, information about changes that have been made to the card (moves between lists), and information about structures that are themselves nested (like checklist items within a checklist on a single card). 

That information is hard to represent e.g. in a single row in Excel, since some of it contains information about actions over time (movement) and some contains information about static information (the content of new checklist items, for example). That nesting and one-to-many nature of the data is why some of this information isn't included on Trello's CSV export.

Converting JSON to CSV

If you're not working with a Premium Workspace, or want to pull information from the JSON that isn't included in the Premium CSV export, the first thing we'd suggest is looking at the third-party Power-Ups that exist for Trello as you may be able to use one of this to link between Trello and another app to display this data in another app (e.g. Google Sheets). Here's a link you can use to search for these -

Another option is the TrelloExport Chrome extension:

You may run into a situation where you need to use Trello's JSON export to locate a piece of information. To do this, we first suggest using the search feature. It’s difficult to read JSON line-by-line, but searching for keywords can help find a specific piece of datat.

Beyond that, reaching out to a developer might be the next best option—JSON, particularly when it's covering a whole board, can be complicated to parse out correctly.


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