Filtering vs. searching

This article is about the difference between filtering cards on a board (formerly called "Card search" in the board menu) and searching for cards using the main search box.

Trello for Web gives you the ability to search for cards across all boards, and filter single boards to focus on specific labels, members assigned to cards, due dates and keywords.

If you’re using Trello via the iOS or Android apps, tapping the magnifying glass will filter whatever board page you’re on. To search for cards across all boards on Android, tap the magnifying glass while on the homepage. Currently, there is no way to search all boards at once when using Trello’s iOS app.

Which is right for me?

  • Filtering will show cards on their original boards and lists. Searching will bring up a new window with the results.

  • Filtering works on boards you’re not a member of (Try it with the Trello Development Board!)

  • Filtering will filter card titles by multiple keywords– that is, if you filter for May 2009 Financial Planning - without quoting it, you’ll get cards that contain any of the words “May”, “2009”, “Financial”, or “Planning”.

  • Filtering the cards titles by multiple keywords quoting it - e.g. “May 2009 Financial Planning” will lead you to the exact match of the text on the card.

  • Both filtering and searching will let you find cards assigned to particular members, labels, or boards.

  • Both options have keyboard shortcuts. Press ‘f’ to filter a board, or ‘/’ to focus the search box. Press ‘q’ to filter for cards assigned to you, and ‘x’ to clear a filter.

  • Searching can find terms across several boards, or card descriptions.

  • Searching offers more flexibility than filtering by using special operators, you can search for cards based on creation date, archived status, by checklist or comments, or on a particular list.

  • Searching is better when it comes to finding specific cards– it will only find cards with all of the keywords listed. The following image shows what happens if you enter “May 2009 Financial Planning” into filtering vs. search:


Both filtering and searching are great tools for managing Trello, so try them both out! With experience you’ll know which is the right tool for each situation.

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