Star a board

Starred boards show at the top of your home page and board lists. There is no limit to the amount of boards that you can star.

Where to find starred boards

Starred Boards show up in a few different places in Trello:

  • at the top right of your home page

  • in your boards page

  • in the global header

  • in the sidebar while viewing a Workspace


The sidebar will only show starred boards inside the current Workspace.

Rearrange starred boards

Drag-and-drop starred boards on the boards page, in the starred board menu, or in the sidebar to rearrange them. This way, you can put your most important boards first.

Starring and un-starring

You can star (and un-star) a board from five places: the home page, the boards page, the Starred button on the global header, the Recent button on the global header, and while on a board itself.

On the board itself, the star icon will show up to the right of the board title.

In all other places, hover over a board tile and a star icon will appear on the right side. Click it to star a board.


To un-star a board, click the star icon again.

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