Receive Trello notifications

Trello notifications are found in the notification drawer () in the header.

Default notifications

You’ll always get a notification when someone else does any of these things:

  • Mentions you in a comment

  • Adds you to a card, board, or Workspace

  • Closes a board that you’re a member of

  • Makes you an admin of a board or Workspace

  • Accepts an invite to a Workspace or board using your shareable link

  • Mentions you in a checklist item

  • Assigned you to a checklist item

  • Adds or changes a due date for a checklist item you’re assigned to

You won’t receive notifications for any actions you take. This includes actions triggered by automation you create.

Watch a card

You’ll get a notification when someone else does any of these things in a card you’re watching:

  • Adds a comment

  • Adds or changes the due date

  • Marks a card as complete or incomplete

  • Adds an attachment

  • Moves or archives the card

Watch a list or board

You’ll get the same notifications you get when watching a card, but for all cards in the list or board you’re watching.

Additionally, you’ll get a notification when someone else adds a new card to a list or board you’re watching.

Due date notifications

If a card or checklist item has a due date reminder set, you’ll get a notification for:

  • An upcoming due date for a checklist item you’re assigned to

  • An upcoming due date for a card you’re watching

  • An upcoming due date for a card in a list or board you’re watching

A card or checklist item without a due date reminder won’t trigger any due date notifications.

Notification emails

Trello doesn’t send an email notification for an action if you’re already read that notification in Trello.

Email frequency

You can change how often you get notification emails on your Account settings page. 

  • Never: You won’t get email notifications for activity in Trello.

  • Periodically: You’ll get an hourly summary of notifications from Trello.

  • Instantly: You’ll get an email notification shortly after the notification is sent in Trello.

Email notification preferences

You can opt-out of whole categories of email notifications on your account settings page:

  • Comments

  • Due dates

  • You’re removed from a card

  • Attachments added

  • Cards created

  • Cards moved

  • Cards archived

These preferences only apply to email notifications for boards, lists, and cards you’re watching. You’ll always get emails for invites, direct mentions, when you’re added to a card, and more.

Desktop notifications

Trello desktop notifications come from your browser. Trello must be open in a browser tab to get desktop notifications.

To enable desktop notifications:

  1. Open your account settings page

  2. Under Email notifications, select Allow desktop notifications

If you don’t see the Allow desktop notifications option:

  1. You may have denied notifications previously

  2. Your operating system settings might not allow desktop notifications from your browser

Try to enable notifications for Trello in your browser by following the steps to disable desktop notifications, but choose Allow instead.

Check your operating system’s notification settings to make sure your browser is allowed to send desktop notifications.

Disable desktop notifications

To disable desktop notifications in Chrome or Firefox:

  1. Open then to the left of the web address in your browser, select View site information (settings)

  2. Select Reset permission, or disable notifications for Trello

  3. Reload the page

To disable Trello desktop notifications in Safari:

  1. Select Safari then Settings

  2. Select Websites

  3. Select Notifications from the list on the left, then find Trello and choose Deny


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