Remove a person from a board

To remove a member from a board, click the Share button right beside the board’s members list, and then select the Remove from board option from the member’s permission dropdown menu:

If you don’t see the Share button, it’s likely the board settings only allow board admins to add or remove users. You’ll need to reach out to the board admin to remove the user from the board.

Board share modal showing the Remove from board option
Board share modal requesting confirmation to remove member from board

When a member is removed from a board, the member will be removed from all cards on the board. This simply means they will no longer be a member of those cards. However, any other actions on the board (e.g. comments, checking off an item on a checklist, etc.) will remain. For example, if the member left comments on the back of the card, the comments will remain even if the member is removed from the board.

When a member is removed from a board, automations they have created will also be removed. To help prevent this, the member should add their automations to an Automation Library.

To remove a member from all boards in a Premium Workspace, see Removing people from a Workspace.

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